Customer Testimonials

My event was so elegantly decorated by Adorned by Zini..from start to finish,planning,brainstorming she was exceptional,great customer service,listened to all I wanted and delivered even above my expectations.I 'l recommend this company over n over.My guests were so impressed with my decor,color selection was all doen by Zini.She's good at her job,very courteous and professional.
Nkechi Ukoha
An absolute pleasure working with AdornedbyZini. When I initially called her about my baby shower, I wasn’t sure what I wanted. She listened to what I wanted the day to look like and she delivered. My guests were in awe of her work and I felt so happy that I trusted her process. She is dedicated and serious about making her clients happy. I highly recommend her for all kinds of events. I have a lot of love for this business!!! 💗💗🙏
Onyinyechi Egbukwu